Identity and Purpose

Defining our identity and life’s purpose can be exciting, yet also complex. Our identities can be shaped and determined by internal and external factors. Social influences and pressures, as well as ways we are perceived by others can influence us and be part of how we see ourselves. Finding our own voice away from others’ expectations can be frightening at times, yet also empowering once we feel more connected and confident. Connecting with the many parts of ourselves and with what drives us in life can be an opportunity to grow stronger.

There are many parts that make up a persons’ identity. This can include:

  • Sexual orientation

  • Gender identity

  • Racial and cultural identity

  • Personality

  • Hobbies/interests

  • Class

  • Education

  • Age

  • Physical Appearance

  • Disability/Ability

  • Religion

  • Relationships

  • And more…

Intersectionality is the understanding that there are many aspects of a person’s identity that combine to create different modes of experience in society, inclusive of discrimination and privilege.


A life purpose is what get’s you up in the morning and motivated in your daily goals. Purpose guides big decisions and can influence your behavior and goals. For some people, purpose is connected to their careers, and for others it can be related to their relationships or spiritual and religious beliefs. Purpose is different for everyone, and can change throughout life.

Finding your meaning and purpose in life can be foundational in feeling a sense of agency, empowerment and direction in coping better with life’s challenges.

Developing more of an understanding around your identity and purpose can be something explored further with the help of a therapist.

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