Addiction Recovery

Whether it’s substance use, gambling, porn, shopping, or food addiction, you shouldn’t be alone in your recovery journey. Individual therapy, in addition to community meetings or group therapy is recommended and proven to be effective for addiction recovery.

Addiction is a treatable, chronic medical disease involving complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment, and an individual’s life experiences. People with addiction use substances or engage in behaviors that become compulsive and often continue despite harmful consequences (ASAM).

I work from a harm reduction philosophy, where I meet my clients where they currently are in their journey. Harm reduction is a person-centered philosophy with the following principles:

  • Harm reduction is people-centered, where it’s important to meet the client where they are at in their journey, rather than to impose the therapist’s beliefs and expectations.

  • People use substances and engage in addictive behaviors for reasons. It may start out as experimental or peer pressure, but then may continue for other reasons. We aim to understand and accept these reasons as part of treatment without judgement.

  • Drug use and other addictive behaviors are complex and involve a spectrum of symptoms and behaviors.

  • Harm reduction therapy involves a collaborative approach between client and therapist, inclusive of exploring deeper meaning behind behaviors, as well as the trauma and other factors that may contribute.

  • Ambivalence towards change is a natural and fundamental part of the recovery process.

  • Recovery is a process, not an outcome.

  • Change may occur slowly, gradually and through stages (stages of change model), where patience and self-compassion through the process will need to be embraced and learned.

“Harm reduction incorporates a spectrum of strategies that includes safer use, managed use, abstinence, meeting people who use drugs where they’re at, and addressing conditions of use along with the use itself.” - Harm Reduction Coalition

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In addition to supporting those in recovery, I offer consults with family members in helping them better understand addiction and how to better support their loved ones.

I want to encourage and support you in your recovery journey, and in how you care for your loved ones, where you can ultimately feel more hope, clarity and relief towards your goals.


Resources -

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